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HCG Diet Reviews – Deciphering the Truth

HCG Diet

The year was 1954 when Dr. Albert Simeons first started using HCG injections to help people put an end to their obesity. His study was published in the Lancet – a well-respected medical journal. If this weight loss protocol did not work, it would not still be popular more than six decades later. That is why it is crucial for people to understand the HCG diet reviews when making a decision as to whether or not this is the right program to help them shed unwanted pounds.

There have been many different reviews of HCG diet effects of the years, including on the Dr. Oz show, in a book by Kevin Trudeau, and throughout the medical community. Very few of these studies and reviews have turned up more than speculation when it comes to negative aspects of this program. Hearsay and suspicion are not facts.

In the end, the facts are clear about the reviews – HCG diet injection programs do work when properly followed and supervised. It is all about the results, and the fact that men and women across the US are losing weight and keeping it off of their bodies is the end goal for everyone.

Positive Reviews of the HCG Diet

Positive reviews on HCG diet results are best given when they come from the people who are on the receiving end of the weight loss. Individuals who have watched their bodies transform seemingly before their eyes are the best judge of whether or not the HCG weight loss program works.

Of course, in order to achieve these positive results and provide one’s own personal HCG diet reviews, it is imperative to do the program the right way. That means turning to a doctor for prescription HCG injections and not wasting money on homeopathic HCG drops that do not work. It means following all instructions and eating plans as directed.

It is impossible to achieve the proper results when the guidelines are not followed. Meal plans and allowable foods are there for a reason. It is the combination of eating a certain way and using the HCG and vitamin B 12 injections as prescribed that will bring the desired success.

Negative HCG Diet Reviews

Just as easy as it is to find positive reports about HCG results, it is also simple to find negative HCG diet plan reviews on the internet. In many cases, these reports will come from people with a vested interest in guiding a person to another type of weight loss program. Bariatric surgery also works well for many people, but many others report adverse effects, serious medical issues, and, in some extreme cases, death. Surgery of any kind is risky, and weight loss surgery is by no means foolproof.

Some people lose weight easily by going to programs that have weekly meetings and weigh-ins. Others cringe away from these types of diets and grab a carton of ice cream. Negative HCG injection diet reviews often come from people who did not succeed because they did not follow the guidelines provided to them. It is imperative to do each phase of the program as directed in order to lose the anticipated weight and keep it from coming back.

Deciding for Yourself about the HCG Diet

Reading any HCG diet review can leave you with questions about how well it will work for you. The best way to get those questions answered is by contacting the weight loss experts at Weight Loss Medical Center. We offer free consultations with one of our clinical advisors. These discussions take place over the phone and our completely confidential. There is no time limit, and you will never feel rushed or as if your questions do not matter.

We want you to decide for yourself if HCG weight loss is what will work to rid your body of unwanted fat. Do not be fooled by fake HCG diets. Reviews about HCG drops show that they do not work. These products do not contain real HCG, and only doctor prescribed injections will accomplish the proper type of weight loss that is desired.

Please contact Weight Loss Medical Center to learn more about how the HCG diet will help you to lose the weight you want, safely and quickly.