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The 5 Secrets to Long Term HCG Diet Effects

Long Term HCG Diet Effects

When it comes to long term HCG Diet effects, you can look forward to positive benefits with very little risk at all.

The real HCG Diet is a doctor-supervised weight loss program that facilitates the rapid burning of stored fat in a safe and effective manner.

You may have heard about the pros and cons of the HCG Diet, and wonder what is the truth and what is a myth.

For people who stick with and follow the HCG Diet plan, long term effects show themselves in the weight that is lost – and kept off.

Unlike other diets that lead to gaining back all of the lost weight – and then some, the HCG Diet is set up to help you stabilize your body at your new weight, and it teaches you how to maintain that weight forever.

If you are longing for positive long-term effects, HCG Diet is your key to success.

Here are the 5 secrets why the HCG Diet works:

  1. It has you eating real food that you shop for and prepare yourself – no packaged meals or meal replacement foods.
  2. The HCG Diet protocol is easy to follow and provides delicious recipes that keep you satisfied.
  3. It retrains your mind and your body to forget old cravings and to start wanting healthier options.
  4. The HCG Diet keeps you motivated with rapid results.
  5. It has different phases that help you stabilize your weight, and then maintain it for long-term effects.

People Have Lost Weight Safely with the HCG Diet for Decades

Unlike fad diets that come and go, people have been losing weight safely for decades with the long-term effects of the HCG Diet.

The HCG Diet began with Dr. Simeons in the 1950s. That is staying power.

Part of the reason why people have side effects from some weight loss programs is that they go it alone – without doctor supervision.

The fact is that any type of calorie restrictive program requires medical supervision.

With the guidance of an experienced HCG weight loss doctor, you can expect positive long term HCG Diet effects.

As far as the HCG Diet and long-term effects that could be a concern, there is not yet any compelling research that demonstrates any dangers of engaging in rapid weight loss using HCG injections supervised by a doctor.

Do Not Be Fooled by Homeopathic HCG for Long-Term Effects

Some imposters can offset the effects of the results long term. HCG Diet pills, drops, sprays, or pellets are not the same thing as HCG injections.

Homeopathic HCG does not contain any of the real human chorionic gonadotropin hormones.

When you are not injecting real HCG, you do not get the full effects or the long-lasting results. Too many people gain weight back when using homeopathic HCG products.

Only real HCG is the original formula of the HCG Diet by Dr. Simeons.

How Do You Get the Long-Term Effects of the HCG Diet?

The first thing to remember is that you must find a doctor who specializes in the HCG weight loss program. Do not attempt to begin this diet without medical supervision.

If you do not want any long term side effects from HCG Diet programs, do not settle for imposters or buy this medication illegally on the internet.

Weight Loss Medical Center offers an easy to follow, safe HCG Diet protocol that can help you lose up to a pound a day, or more, and keep it off for good.

To get the desired long-term effects of the HCG Diet, simply fill out the short form on this page, or call us at 954-587-4412 for a free consultation with a medical advisor to find out if HCG weight loss is the right program for you.