HCG Shots Weight Loss Reviews

HCG Shots Weight Loss Reviews

The HCG diet has been around since the 1950’s. Over that time, changes have been made to the original protocol that benefits the men and women engaging in HCG shots weight loss. Reviews conducted by our doctors following each client’s completion of his or her HCG protocol yields information that can be used to continue to better the way people are losing weight.

Here are two examples of HCG reviews and how they bettered the program:

  • Past reviews addressed concerns that 500 calories just wasn’t enough food to be eating, particularly since breakfast was never a significant part of the HCG diet protocol. That is why our doctors at Weight Loss Medical Center reexamined the diet and increased the daily dietary intake to 700 calories. It is through the HCG shots for weight loss reviews that came after that change that we found the extra 200 calories did not alter the amount of weight people were losing, but it did provide them with increased energy and satisfaction. Adding that additional food at breakfast time made a big difference for many people.
  • The next big change came with medical research done by our doctors in the areas of supplemental use and weight loss. They found that adding vitamin B 12 injections to the current HCG diet protocol would help increase energy and boost immunity. Since there was already a lot of positive research regarding B 12 and weight loss, our doctors added this supplement to help improve the results our clients received.

Reviews of the HCG Diet

Changes such as the ones mentioned in the previous section can make quite a difference for a person who has had very little success in the past with getting rid of unwanted pounds. Knowing that the doctors prescribing the HCG diet have focused in on making this plan the best it can be is comforting to one who is frustrated with diets that provide very slow and limited results. Our clients are happy to know that when prescribing HCG shots for weight loss, reviews from past users are taken into consideration to make this program the best it can be.

At Weight Loss Medical Center’s HCG diet clinic, we have only one goal – weight loss. We only succeed when you succeed. Here, success is measured in pounds. Every pound lost by our clients is a positive gain. When you lose – you gain! What do you gain?

Here are the positive HCG shots weight loss reviews that we hear about every day from our clients:

  • Confidence
  • Happiness
  • Pride
  • Feelings of improved health
  • Better sleep
  • Fitting into clothes
  • Improved attitude and mood
  • Freedom of movement
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Improved glucose uptake and blood sugar levels

The changes that accompany HCG weight loss are astounding. You will not only look better, but you will also sense the transformation inside your body on a cellular level and feel better, as well.

If you are ready to put an end to carrying around more pounds on your body than you should, give Weight Loss Medical Center a few minutes of your time to find out how we can bring these benefits to your life.