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HCG Drops

HCG drops: Are They the Right Choice for Weight Loss?

If you are reading this report, chances are you have tried many different diets to help you lose weight – without lasting success. Now you are wondering if HCG drops are the answer you have been looking for to help you get rid of those stubborn pounds.Stop right there – buying HCG drops for sale off some website or even the local drugstore shelves will not bring you weight loss success!Sure, you might lose some weight along the way due to the calorie restriction, but, it will likely come back once you go back to eating regularly.Before you click away from this page know this: THE REAL HCG DIET WORKS!HCG drops are not the right choice for weight loss. The drops are not part of Dr. Simeons original protocol for losing pounds and inches because they do not contain real HCG.When clients ask us about HCG drops, do they work is often the first question we hear.Some people think they work because they are losing weight. The simple truth is that any time you cut calories below the amount you use to power your body through the day, you will lose weight. If what goes in is less than what the body needs, it must look internally for that extra supply of fuel.The difference is where the body goes for that added fuel. We will discuss this subject in detail in the next section.People who search for HCG drops buy them without always knowing what they are getting. Some look for the lowest HCG drops cost while others grab the flashiest package without really knowing what is in them. The more you know about how and why HCG works to help rid your body of those unwanted pounds and inches, the better your success.

HCG Drops vs. HCG Injections

HCG injections are the gold standard – they are the only product that contains the amount of HCG needed for the body to seek out and burn the unhealthy brown fat that can interfere with your health.Although the HCG drops diet plan is typically the same as what you get with the doctor-prescribed HCG injections diet, the way the HCG works in the body is different.To begin with, you have HCG drops. How do they work in the body?We must start by dividing the HCG drops into two categories:
  1. “Homeopathic” HCG drops brands you can buy at a store or from many websites – these products are nothing more than water, amino acids, and preservatives. They do nothing to assist with the burning of fat – remember, it is the lower caloric intake that does that. People who use these unregulated products often report headaches and extreme hunger.
  2. Prescription HCG drops that you get from a doctor – when it comes to HCG drops best options this is it, although not nearly in the same league as HCG injections. The potency of prescription HCG drops is well below that of the shots, and may not bring you the same superior results.
Some people think that HCG drops benefits accomplish the same results as the HCG injections. They do not. The purpose of using real HCG is to prevent the muscle loss that accompanies a very low-calorie diet. You see, when the brain senses that the body is going into starvation because it is not receiving its usual supply of nutrition, it will stubbornly hold onto stored fat for the emergency it senses is imminent. Instead, it will allow for energy to be pulled out of muscles. That is why people who cut calories tend to complain about losing muscle rather than fat.While the goal of the HCG drops diet is to accomplish weight loss, it does not send the necessary stimulus to the brain that you get with HCG injections. HCG shots fool the brain into thinking that there is no hunger or starvation, allowing for the release and burning of stored fat.

The Best Options for HCG Weight Loss

The best options for losing pounds and inches are not HCG drops for weight loss. These products are typically unregulated, have no science backing up their claims, and are often produced overseas in small factories and warehouses with very little oversight or quality control. In fact, even what may appear to be the HCG drops best brand for sale online or in your local store may wind up getting pulled from the shelf or internet because of false claims.If you really want to lose weight for good, avoid buying HCG drops. Before and after results often show that people gain back even more weight than they lost.Instead, find a doctor who specializes in HCG weight loss, such as here at Kingsberg Medical. We offer the real HCG diet to help you accomplish your goals – so call today for a free consultation.